Thursday, November 12, 2009

What Happens When You Sit On A Pin

Arguments to consider.

Usually you would expect that I will only post to this blog material or content strictly Christian purely biblical / spiritual, and it is correct that perception. However, I can not deny that sometimes I find it attractive to share information with my readers apparently secular but, in my view, can indirectly strengthen our faith and provide arguments for answers when we are challenged by someone who disrespects our beliefs is foolish comparisons between religions.

Here I present an interview-debate between a Muslim cleric, a moderator and Mrs. Wafa Sultan. I have no idea of \u200b\u200bthe whereabouts of this courageous woman of Syrian origin is still alive or if it is well recognized by all the low tolerance that exists among the majority of the followers of Islam. I do not know what forces or experiences motivated her to take a radical position, but there are certainly takes courage to publicly speak out that way. According to some reports, her family has left, considering it a "stain on the family." His mother refuses to receive 74 years and also takes phone calls. Even a brother accused of having sold for $ 1 million Jews to make these statements.

Although Ms. Sultan confesses not to be Muslim, Christian or Jewish, speak clearly and present practical examples that make it worthy of our attention and even more so because these words do not come from a Western person, but a woman of race and region that has had more influence in the Islamic world.

How many people will be in those places with hunger and desire to try to Christ, but repression or fear can not choose their faith?

Finally, let us not pray for these peoples the world who fiercely oppose the gospel of Jesus. (... .. Hard for thee to kick against the pricks. Acts 9:5)

in communion.


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