Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What Type Of Soap To Use For Eczema

Yunquera EMF

YUNQUERA "A" 24 - Paco Rabal 0

Party for the 5 th day of the league prebenjamin, which confronted the Yunquera "A" against the school Paco Rabal which does not leave even one moment's respite was a siege on the visitors goal, as the land yunqueranos put through from the first quarter as the score ended with 2-0 and with many chances for azulones. The second quarter was the one who defined what it promised in the following quarters, because the marker was a strong second quarter and 11-0 and the third and fourth time to bring the total to 24-0 in favor of the kids in Yunquera what makes this victory will qualify for the following phase as group winners having conceded only 3 goals against, having scored 82 goals for, in the absence of the last game of the first phase.


Party for the 5 th day of the league prebenjamin, which confronted the Yunquera "B" against the runner-up group, the EM Azuqueca "A". A party without a lot of history since the azudenses not let the yunqueranos breathe. The final score reflected a clear 14-3 in favor of boys Azuqueca, although bulky marker, was only in the fourth quarter which saw the superiority of azudenses, as in previous quarters, the planted yunqueranos expensive and not collapsed. This shows the fighting spirit that seeks to coach them, and which do not disappoint, we must also understand that it is his first year and the kids are working all we can and are doing good work, but in games not appreciated with respect to the final score. With this defeat the Yunquera are mathematically 3 of the group which gives them the qualification to the next phase with the teams remaining in their respective groups 3 and 4, in the absence of the last game they face a Villanueva "B", bottom side group, and which Yunquera lads want to take revenge this weekend.


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