Hello! I hope you read this publication are very good in every sense of the word. I received this article I identified recently and fully in their recommendations, so I share it, hoping that will please you.
In communion! _______________
Helping our children become great thinkers
Have you ever thought that greatest blessing is being a good thinker? I do not mean to be a genius or intellectually outstanding. I mean to have skills to solve problems successfully and to use common sense. In today's world we live in, the skills, the complexity of everyday life, it becomes increasingly important that we teach our children to develop the mind and streamline it. Here I give them a few tools:
• SUBJECT TO YOUR CHILD: When your child asks you something, it is motivate them to find the answer without you give it once, put it to think a bit without being frustrated. The only way to encourage good thinking skills is looking for the solution to a problem by itself.
• ASK: Ask questions to your child, for example:
- What else can you do?
- What you see when other people do when they have such a problem?
- What si tratas de hacer esto así?
- ¿Dónde puedes aprender hacer esto?
- ¿Es algo que puedes aprender de un libro, preguntándole a alguien, buscándolo en el internet?
• DÉJALO QUE TROPIECE : Deja que tu hijo se equivoque y a cambio le regalarás una lección de vida. Frecuentemente les damos a nuestros hijos todas las respuestas diciéndoles exactamente como, cuando y donde hacer las cosas con punto y coma; no les damos el chance a que se equivoquen por sí mismos. Cuando nos tropezamos nos regalamos el mejor de los regalos que es levantarnos, aprender y seguir adelante. No acomodemos tanto a nuestros hijos, enseñémosles desde pequeñitos to deal with situations and learn from them.
In communion! _______________
Helping our children become great thinkers
Have you ever thought that greatest blessing is being a good thinker? I do not mean to be a genius or intellectually outstanding. I mean to have skills to solve problems successfully and to use common sense. In today's world we live in, the skills, the complexity of everyday life, it becomes increasingly important that we teach our children to develop the mind and streamline it. Here I give them a few tools:

• SUBJECT TO YOUR CHILD: When your child asks you something, it is motivate them to find the answer without you give it once, put it to think a bit without being frustrated. The only way to encourage good thinking skills is looking for the solution to a problem by itself.
• ASK: Ask questions to your child, for example:
- What else can you do?
- What you see when other people do when they have such a problem?
- What si tratas de hacer esto así?
- ¿Dónde puedes aprender hacer esto?
- ¿Es algo que puedes aprender de un libro, preguntándole a alguien, buscándolo en el internet?
• DÉJALO QUE TROPIECE : Deja que tu hijo se equivoque y a cambio le regalarás una lección de vida. Frecuentemente les damos a nuestros hijos todas las respuestas diciéndoles exactamente como, cuando y donde hacer las cosas con punto y coma; no les damos el chance a que se equivoquen por sí mismos. Cuando nos tropezamos nos regalamos el mejor de los regalos que es levantarnos, aprender y seguir adelante. No acomodemos tanto a nuestros hijos, enseñémosles desde pequeñitos to deal with situations and learn from them.
signing Taken: Ms. Michelle QuiñonesTerapeuta EscolarEspecialista Troubled Child and the Family Life and Ana AprendizajeCentro Simó.
Edited by: jbc
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