Thursday, March 4, 2010
Altruism In Liver Transplants
A person who listens to our radio program "Happy Hour" which airs Monday through Friday at 6:00 pm by VEN Radio 1200 am in Santo Domingo and 105.5 FM in La Romana (also can be heard on the websites: / / ) sent me a message asking about one of the most controversial issues among new believers, Christian friends and even with some time in the gospel, the tithe. I tried to answer in a nutshell, but as I wrote the words flowed and finish writing a lot more than I imagined. In reviewing my answer surprised me how long and in view of the appellant who happen to be this kind of concern I decided to share with you hoping that they are building.
Feel free to express their opinions, good or bad, about what I wrote in the comments section at the end of the publication with your name and email.
worth taking to invite any of you who have doubts or questions for us please write to: . I will do your best to answer them according to my capabilities.
Here is my answer.
In communion! ____________________
Let me start by telling you that it is no sin to be smart or question. Do not have to repress your questions and nobody is born knowing and the more light will be a better person to teach others. But I think the important thing is to see what's behind the questions: honest curiosity or desire to find flaws as a reason for criticism, I guess if yours is first.
I can not ignore that in your questions I noticed some discomfort with where you congregate, I write to you to judge but I think I must tell you that there is no perfect churches because they are made by people prone to commit errors. I recognize that there will always be things to criticize in all churches, but you must learn to accept them as they are run by imperfect men like you and me. If I were pastor of a church, it would be ideal, but it'll just get close to what I think is great and no doubt others find flaws. Still, you should know that obedience to the leadership of a congregation is something valued and taught in the Scriptures.
God help you to find peace and calm down after your interests, you can develop a great love for your church that pushes you to get involved fully, helping your pastors and you have desire to see her grow, expand, fill with more and more people.
That said, let me give you MY opinion on your questions:
(What a coincidence, all your questions are related specifically to money or tithing ... hum!)

1. Does the tithe have to deposit it directly into the church that we gather? or as this is for the Lord's work, "What I can lead directly to a work that the Lord puts in my heart?
In my opinion, the tithe is for the work of God, which understand that well-functioning and to honor God can give there. However, if you love your church and acknowledge the effort of your pastors, I understand that would be the best place to present your tithes and offerings to the Lord. In other words, I understand that giving your tithes to another institution, church or orphanage could be the exception at a time when they feel, but it should be the norm. Your church has expenses and projects which you benefit you. It would be ungrateful not share in your blessings.
2. In the same tithe, should I tithe my salary alone or if someone gives me money?
Tithing gives than they receive. Again, no one forces you, but if you get it was because it pleased God to give it the power that He touched.
I tell you something: I love food ask my son and when he passes me with his hands for me to eat or drink, that fills me with emotion. Of course I do the bulk of what I'm eating but I really did not need him to me, but I do it to learn. . At the end I feel that I enjoy and also as it puts a smile on his face. Our relationship with God should work well.
3. Does receiving commissions is sin? and if not, do I also have to decimate them?
The problem with commissions is that compromise and easily affect our view or objectivity. If your company policy does not prohibit accepting commissions (Some do, in which case it would be illegal to receive them) you can accept them as long as they do not compromise your Christian values. Understanding that is part of your income, would fall into the category of RECEIVED and therefore should be considered.
Generally speaking I can say I've always believed that tithes and offerings NO out of pocket but from the heart, God sees your disposal and that is what matters, not the rule written in stone. You give a tenth of what you please, if you want, do not take anything.
However, if you understand how finance works of the Kingdom, you'll see that it is you who should be God's partner and invest as much as possible in his work. Do not think you will miss the money, in fact I have NEVER seen anyone who has made poor by giving to God, otherwise if you've seen. Thankless people looking for "technicalities" or excuses to keep your finances and ultimately what you are not going into blocks will she be in rods.
Again, nobody puts a gun to your chest, if God offerings sadly not welcomes, even more, I think that not fixing them, but if you do it with joy, then it will be received with love.
each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity: for God loves a cheerful giver
(2 Corinthians 9:7)
Creel God, Let go of those things to which you hold on thinking that there is the key to your livelihood. Who is the Lord sustains you. The widow gave everything she had, and that was taken into account. I invite you to read the story carefully, word by word.
41 Jesus sat before the ark of the offering and saw how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much.
42 And a poor widow came and threw in two mites, which make a farthing.
43 And calling his disciples and said: Verily I say unto you, this poor widow put in more than all who have cast into the treasury;
44 because all they did cast in of their abundance, but she out of her poverty threw everything she had, her whole livelihood . Mark 12:41-44
you ever wondered how Jesus realized that the widow gave all? Have you reviewed the book? What happens is that The Master is on the inside and out. The intentions and actions.
I left there.
Scripture passages quoted from website :
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