Sunday, February 21, 2010

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Bible School Sunday, February

People! preparing a Sunday school class I decided to share with you some of the ideas that are described in material Master (New Life-Gospel Publishing) for Sunday.
I think this should be known not only for my students or those who receive these teachings, but to a wider audience. I hope it helps a lot of building.

In Communion! ------------------------------

For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are God's. (1 Corinthians 6:20)

The term "sexual immorality" has been changing as that society has departed from biblical principles and has lost its respect for the things of God. How

common today is to listen to people, intellectuals, pseudo professional sex therapists conduct or inviting young people and adults to shed all taboos and enjoy sex without inhibitions. Motivated by an insatiable desire to live in a constant ecstasy encourage the debauchery with his back to what the Lord has established itself as the good, pure and correct.

Sad to say, but much more still to witness the disobedience to the commands of God leads to diseases of all kinds. Condoms can protect you from certain types of infection, but may not always be free of anxiety, guilt and many other emotional, physical and mental. This disobedience can lead even to death.

for the wicked If the definition of sexual immorality is becoming more watery, for the Christian. Remains the same from the beginning. Any sexual act that is outside of God's plan with regard to sexuality is considered the Bible as an immoral act.

Sexual sin brings all sorts of losses. The person can lose his virginity, a special gift for your partner in marriage. People who participate in illegal forms of sex also lose the peace has to be kept pure. They may also lose health and even life.

few moments of sexual pleasure can destroy a marriage that would have been last a lifetime. There is no doubt that sexual immorality is not worth the price you have to pay for it .

Those planning to participate in a sexual misconduct, they should think carefully to where you can take that decision. It is a decision that leads downhill on a path that leads to a growing evil. What may seem simple at first can turn into something that never would have thought and plug one thing worse many others.

It is true that our world today is flooded with sexual imagery and shows full of sex, we sometimes seem impossible to flee from sexual immorality. However, it is necessary that believers do it.

It takes more than determination or manpower to combat the invitations to sexual sin. All large and small, can eventually be attracted to the pollution caused by sex unclean, that which occurs outside of divine guidance. To counter the avalanche that wants to drag every day need to be empowered by the Holy Spirit, so they have the strength to say NO, I am a child (a) of God and not lose my communion with God for something that I only bring a departure from the real source of joy and peace.

Today more than ever we decide to be sexually pure people ..... believe them to God, so much better.

Based on the lesson: sexual purity or immorality? Master (GPH)
Edited by: jbc


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