Tuesday, April 26, 2011

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was performed the opening ceremony of the school year 2011 of the Houses of Student Commune Bigand

On Monday April 25 was made official launch Communal in the Student Residence in the auditorium of the Sociedad Argentina, in the presence of students and families. The same was carried on the presentation of the new women's dormitory, located on Calle Tucumán 925, were delivered to the Houses household equipment to students and presented a detailed assessment information about the project that began in 2003 and has 9 years of development. About 130 young people and given the opportunity to be part of the project and more than 20 professionals from different areas and races have been received in the Student Houses Bigand.

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in conjunction with the dictates SAMCA CPR courses to institutions that request Bigand

Bigand Commune, through the Civil Protection area leads to a CPR course that require institutions, this was the case ABMAC, which on Wednesday April 20 we received at the premises of the soup kitchen where instructors and trainers teach the techniques and actions to perform for different types of emergencies. We also deliver 3 first aid kits and fire extinguishers for the dining room for a children's home and one for the garden mother and child.

All citizens should know these techniques because the first few minutes before the arrival of EMCO are essential for safeguarding the victim and so important to know what to do, as knowing what not to do.

courses in CPR and First Aid, open to the community, began in April this year. They are held on Wednesdays from 13:30 to 15:00 pm at the secretariat attached to the Commune. This training is free and requires pre-registration which is done in village headquarters during business hours to the public.

Civil Protection Bigand

Sunday, April 24, 2011

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messages we receive from young people who went through the Student House

received messages in the Facebook group "Student House Bigand"

Carolina Hello
peers and classmates from home!
do not add? Leah said everything includes a lot of feelings shared by all who had the opportunity to be part of "The student's home" .. Thanks so much used word, sometimes think, is that today I have to say, but with great feeling. I'll never forget these 5 years busy in the house, I was lucky enough to live with friends but also to meet beautiful people that I will never forget. I am delighted that this project up and that there are still people who are interested in students who have much to give Bigand.
For my part I will be indebted forever with you, I know it had not been home in these years of career, had not been able to get where I am.
Eternally grateful and proud of my people and my people!

Victoria Lia Mozzi
well, I think maybe we have experienced one of the best experiences they can play live to a student who is received! is the greatest satisfaction, the aim fulfilled ....!!! and this may have been more difficult if she did not sta helpful it is to have the student's home! juan truth that will all my flicitaciones for their work! is a big hand for those who want to continue studying! from and infinitely grateful to you, to the district for giving me the opportunity to be here and to finish school! keep it up!! 1 because going well! congratulate! thanks! thank you very much!

Emiliano Kaballero
The Bigand student houses! the truth that the house is the best, we come to study in the hand of the opportunity provided by the community and we have a house, a home .. know new people and make friends!
thanks for the opportunity and said juli hope to return someday! eternally grateful!

Magali Del Re
As a professional educator, a graduate of this project travez and Student Residences, grateful to see and capitalize on this growth, the management support and reinforcement of these projects, public education policy. Greetings to all who made possible this kind of social inclusion projects.

Julian Garcia
like home ... there is a space for interaction with friends, books and laughter ... the truth that I'm bringing some friends from there ... all very cool !!!... thanks for the vital support they give us, is a very great help for our future and hope to return some of what they are offering me one day ... Count me !!!...

Luciano Sincini
thanks! q is impeccable laburo do!

Aylenssitaxx ʚϊɞ
thank you for the help x this unique opportunity!

Friday, April 22, 2011

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Do you know the 2 Houses of Student? In this note we show this important project of the Commune Commune Bigand

Since 2003 has two Student Homes Rosario they provide to many of our young people the opportunity to pursue university studies, tertiary or technical.

Today, 9 years later, the benefits are obvious: more than 120 students in the town have been able to enter homes and approximately 25 new professionals have completed their careers in the Student Houses. Our community takes pride in this project, is proud of our youth ...

(Video with audio)

"Student Houses" - Another project of the Commune of Bigand

Thursday, April 21, 2011

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continues to support the projects being implemented by various institutions in Bigand

On Wednesday April 20 in a ceremony held in the auditorium, the Commune of Bigand signed a major agreement with UATRE Bigand consideration in which both parties agree to work together through next year in maintenance and services in our town.

At the same ceremony, was also the delivery of grants to institutions of our town so that they can continue their respective work and projects that benefit many residents of Bigand.

subsidized projects were:

UATRE Bigand
• $ 7,000 for the purchase of items of work and job security.

• Community Court: $ 3,800 to purchase a computer and a desktop printer.

• Caritas Bigand: $ 2,000 to help with charitable projects carried out by the institution.

• Christian Missionary Church Mount of Olives: $ 2,000 for various works of solidarity that makes the church.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

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95 new homes will solve the housing problem of many residents of Bigand

The Commune and is building 29 homes in "Batch Own" with a budget of $ 2,600,000 and soon tender the construction of 66 homes with their respective infrastructure by a official amount of $ 10,320,000 to invest.

Far from being just an ad, the 95 homes are the result of years of management with a large investment by the municipality in 2007 for land acquisition and years of efforts to complete the requirements, plans and infrastructure projects corresponding required for housing plans .

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With free entry all bigandenses enjoyed an evening of tango and folklore.

On Friday April 15, on stage at the Teatro San Martin developed the Great Festival of Tango and Folklore. " Hundreds of bigandenses enjoyed a unique show in which there were bands, local dance groups and the closing of the show provided luxury Company's prestigious "Argentina Tango Folk."

Friday, April 15, 2011

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The Commune gave a grant of $ 10,000 Kindergarten No. 113 for construction sites

On Thursday 14 April, at a ceremony held at the premises of the Garden Infant No. 113, the Commune Bigand presented a $ 10,000 grant will be allocated to the work of closing the school building's main hall.

delivery was also teaching aids and sports, among others, which were necessary to the Garden as described in the Secretary of Culture and Education.

The teachers were present act, the director of the institution, cooperative, and parents who shared a day with the President of the Commune, Community Secretary, the Secretary of Culture and the Secretary of Public Works and which presented the first progress of the work and future work planned by the institution.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

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Video of the first round of the French delegation

As we anticipated, a delegation of 8 persons, from the French town of Caulières, Bigand visited in response to his visit the Secretary of the Youth community, Juan Pablo Cartabia in December 2009.

By then, a group of bigandenses were interested in investigating the origin of Jean-Baptiste Honoré Bigand, father of the town's founder, Don Victor Bigand. Since that year the town met its 100 years of existence this group decided to contact native villagers Honoré, with the idea of \u200b\u200ba brotherhood and Bigand Caulières.

Here the video of the first round in the French brothers Bigand:

(video with audio)

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Bigand Grand Tango and Folklore Festival in Bigand

The Ministry of Culture and Education and Youth Ministry invites the community to the "Great Festival of Tango and Folklore", a held on Friday 15 April from 21pm., at the Teatro San Martín "of the Italian Society.

participate ensembles and local dance groups such as the prestigious closing "Argentina Tango Folk."

Esmerado buffet service by the Cooperative Association of Elementary School No. 215.

Free admission.

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A delegation from France, from the birthplace of the father of Don Victor Bigand

On Monday 11 April arrived in town a Caulières delegation of France, the birthplace of Honoré Bigand, father of our founder. This visit is part of a project that aims eventually to the realization of twinning and Caulières Bigand. We therefore conducted a feathering to symbolize the friendship of France and Argentina Plaza San Martín "and Avenue" San Martín "with flags of both countries.

Following activities scheduled on Tuesday, April 12 held a welcoming ceremony. This event began at the Monument to "Don Victor Bigand" where the French delegation made the discovery of a plaque and gave words referring to the people of Bigand. Then those present were moved to Assembly Hall of the Commune of Bigand; there the Commune and the delegation exchanged Caulières present and made notes for the local media.
In this context, the delegation will carry out a schedule of activities organized by the Ministry of Youth, which is detailed below:

• Wednesdays and Thursdays: Visit and tour with Delegation, Educational Institutions, Sports, Social and Cultural Historical sites and landmarks, businesses, and Cooperative Industrial Park Bigand.

• FRIDAY 21:00 pm: Festival of Tango and Folklore. Sample of our cultural expressions Argentina, involving local dance groups and music and the closing of the Company by Argentina Tango-Folk. At the Cine-Theatre "San Martín". Free admission.

• SATURDAY: Departure of the Delegation of the Caulières.

delivered by the delegation Present French Commune

Birth of Honore B. Bigand, Father of Don Victor Bigand

original picture of the family sawmill in Caulières

Monday, April 11, 2011

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visit our local Elementary School presented the school kitchen was completely renovated and sports items that were needed for their gym classes

The Wednesday, April 6 was the opening act of the new works to remodel the kitchen of Elementary School No. 215.

These works were solved by the Commune and demanded Bigand an investment of $ 15,000.

In the event the President of the Commune gave to the school a lot of sporting goods with a value of $ 2,000 consisting of balls for different sports, cones, rings, pumps, and other elements that were needed to practice of gymnastics. Also given a complete emergency kit for use in those classes.

reenter Elementary School and shared with us the opening ceremony:


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Bonzi In the neighborhood there were no more robberies

2000 - 2011 in the neighborhood of Aldo Bonzi no more thefts occur.

In the neighborhood of Aldo Bonzi: there is pure harmony and tranquility.

People go out without worrying about making purchases. A neighborhood full of happiness and smiles. The kids leave with more security, they are no longer watching TV (or bored and staring at the ceiling) now come to the plaza. Before stealing the bikes, now we can leave the bike without enforcement, anywhere. Mothers can leave their children playing on the sidewalk without worry.


Gisela, Miracles, and Carolina. 5 ° d

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Students 5 ° "B", worked in the computer room, with the ideal pruducciòn of news concerning the neighborhood, "Aldo Bonzi"

found a ghost in 74 school is good and helps the neighborhood.

This ghost is good with people, but people are very afraid.

The ghost wants to help the district Aldo Bonzi, he passes by the banks arranging seats and hammocks, etc. passes through the train station painting and fixing things, plant trees, put flowers in many colors, fix the streets, living in the school 74. People are overlooking the villages, see things and be happy. Happiness came to the neighborhood with the ghost and so I accept that people care for and do not want to go back again.

Cristian, Fernando and Fabian.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

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The Commune is collaborating with the "Homework Help" which takes place in a Church of Bigand

On Saturday April 9 was the opening of the school year 2011 "Homework Help" to play in the Eternal Life Christian Church in the town of Bigand. The charity project is being carried forward through the work of Theodore "Beto" Perez and Claudia Torelli together a group of associates offer educational support activities in the church on street corner Belgrano Cordoba.

Today more than 40 Bigand boys between 7 and 14 years of age are welcomed to leave school, and enjoy an integration where values \u200b\u200bare instilled and strengthened friendship.

This task has the support of the Commune of Bigand, which in recent years, and monthly, make a financial contribution to meet most of the cost of this project.

time ago Eternal Life Christian Church rose to the Commune a note asking for some missing elements to continue the project, so during the act of the Commune Chairman Mr. Patrick Erceg Bigand with Secretary of Mr. Alejandro Ruggeri Commune gave a grant of $ 1,500 for the installation of a water heater and school supplies for 40 children participating in this important initiative.

School supplies for more than 40 children attending the institution

The Commune delivered at the end of 2010 a water heater
and in 2011 $ 1,500 for installation .

Friday, April 8, 2011

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What she needed to Adam

When reading the conditions under which Adam was living, can we claim that it was missing something?

According to Genesis 2:8 - 15, we can deduce that the Garden of Eden was all that one could still ask.

- pleasant and safe environment

- Frutos and good for food, pleasing to the senses

- enough water

- Fine gold (v.12)

- helpmeet. (V.23)

Adam had everything.

But as has happened to many of us, no excuses the first man fell, he disobeyed the divine command.

Genesis 3:6-7

the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and it was pleasing to the eye, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate , and gave también a su marido, el cual comió así como ella.

Entonces fueron abiertos los ojos de ambos, y conocieron que estaban desnudos; entonces cosieron hojas de higuera, y se hicieron delantales.

Las únicas palabras registradas en la Biblia que pronunció Adán fueron las siguientes:

“Y él respondió: Oí tu voz en el huerto, y tuve miedo, porque estaba desnudo; y me escondí.”(V. 10)


“Y el hombre respondió: La mujer que me diste por compañera me dio del árbol, y yo comí.” (V.12)

Take one hand to Adam and see the parallels below. The story of the Prodigal Son.

Luke 15:11-13

he said, A man had two sons: And the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods that falls to me and he divided the property . A few days later, the younger son gathered all together, went away to a distant country and there wasted his substance with riotous living.

The prodigal son, without excuse, it falls. He chose to live la vida loca, this was his forbidden fruit. According to verse 15 of chapter, see how low the young man fell.

But something dramatic happens. Back itself.

Luke 15:17

came to himself, said:! Many hired servants of my father's have bread enough, and I perish with hunger!

Oh! How much do you need a lot of people "coming to himself." recognize his error. Recognize that goes wrong and you need a change.

Some say that the hardest thing for anyone who needs a radical change in behavior is to recognize who is an alcoholic, drug addict, compulsive gambler and need help. confess with your mouth: "I am a sinner."

The prodigal son acknowledged that he needed apologize! (V.18)

What is sometimes difficult to ask for forgiveness?

is an act that requires humility.

is easier to make excuses or blame others for the mistake. has been easier since the very beginning.

"... ... ... ... The woman who gavest me I got the tree, and I ate. "

Now, why apologize?

- With forgiveness opens the door of the reunion and restoration.

- Sana wounds. brings peace.

- brings revival.

- is the key to approaching God.

It is sad to note how many would rather go hungry and do not apologize.

How do I ask for forgiveness?

learn from the strategy used by the prodigal son.

Luke 15:18-19

- I'll rise. This constitutes an active attitude. Take the initiative.

- be back. Despite the embarrassment you may feel. of the comments may be lifted. Ridicule from those who saw me leave my house with fortune and dressed prince and now I would be in bankruptcy and ragged.

no matter that started the way back. Return home.

understand that shame is a factor that explains why many do not return to Jesus astray.

The prodigal son used the perfect formula: Repentance and confession.

"And the son said: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you, and am no longer worthy to be called your son."

Recall for a moment the joy that being and feeling forgiven.

"Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered." Psalm 32:1

Instead of punishment, eternal life! Instead of condemnation, for me the glory!

Who does not need to apologize?

all have something lavish. How many prodigal sons now are wasting and consuming their goods, their lives in unnecessary costs, passing in options without measure and without reason?

tomorrow Do not wait, start today your reunion with the Father.

Where do I apologize? Wherever you are. Recognize that you're wrong. agree that you need to repent. Confess your sins to God. back home.

What it took Adam? apologize.

Do not you ever miss you apologize.

Monday, April 4, 2011

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The Fallen in Malvinas.

The Fallen in the Falklands were the brave heroes of the world, Argentines have sacrificed their lives for the Falklands, always with the heart. In 1982 war, the worst that has happened to our beloved Argentina.

Author: Facundo and Franco

April 2

Las Malvinas were very important in any year in the life of an Argentine.

In fought the Falklands War, fought and many were unwilling to fight, for they did not want violence. Many of the fighters were killed and many have lost arms and legs. Some were buried there and their families come to visit there. AUTHOR: Cami and Aylu

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news reports by students from 5 ° B

champion Javier

On Friday April 1 at school our assistant Javier Jonas Salk was elected flag bearer.

April 1 Jonas Salk School in 2011, Aldo Bonzi Province of Buenos Aires, that day was very special for the whole school. Javier was a soldier in the Falklands War was there as a kid was 18. Went hungry and cold. He had the good fortune to be one of the few who came from the war. Now we are lucky to have you as our helper. The day that Javier income in the courtyard of our school carrying the flag of Argentina, were heard applause and sang the national anthem and the song of the Falklands. He is excited and the teachers gave a few words. The ceremony was very nice.

Note by: Florence and Bernice Ahilan

the champion Javier

04/01/1911 Javier The school was flagged Jonas Salk.


Saturday, April 2, 2011

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Javier ... honor our flag!