Enjoy! ____________
"Tomorrow morning I will open your heart" the surgeon was explaining to a child. And the boy interrupted
- You'll find Jesus there?
- You'll find Jesus there?
The surgeon looked at him, and continued:
- will cut a wall in your heart to see the full damage .-
- will cut a wall in your heart to see the full damage .-
But when I open my heart, you'll find Jesus there?, Again interrupted the child.
The surgeon turned to the child's parents, who sat quietly.
- When you have seen the damage that is there, we will plan the following, and with an open heart.
- When you have seen the damage that is there, we will plan the following, and with an open heart.
- But do you find Jesus in my heart? My father says He lives there.
The surgeon thought it was enough and explained:
- I'll tell you find in your heart, find damaged muscle, low red blood cell response, and weakness in the walls and glasses. Once you have opened, and seen your heart, I know if we can help you or not.
- I'll tell you find in your heart, find damaged muscle, low red blood cell response, and weakness in the walls and glasses. Once you have opened, and seen your heart, I know if we can help you or not.
- But you'll find Jesus there too? Is home, he lives there, always with me.
The surgeon did not tolerate the repeated comments over and gone. Then he sat in his office and proceeded to record their studies prior to surgery: damaged aorta, damaged pulmonary vein, massive heart muscle degeneration. Without the possibility of transplantation, hardly curable. Therapy: painkillers and bed rest. Forecast: taking a break and sad tone said, death within the first year. Then stop the recorder. But there was something more to say:
- Why? I ask aloud why you did this to him? You put it here, you've put in this pain and you have sentenced to an early death. Why?
- Why? I ask aloud why you did this to him? You put it here, you've put in this pain and you have sentenced to an early death. Why?
Suddenly, God our Lord said
- The child, my sheep no longer belongs to your flock because he is part of mine and me will all eternity. Here in heaven, in my holy flock, and have no pain, be comforted in a way unimaginable to you or anyone. His parents will one day join him, know peace and harmony together in my kingdom and my holy flock continue to grow.
- The child, my sheep no longer belongs to your flock because he is part of mine and me will all eternity. Here in heaven, in my holy flock, and have no pain, be comforted in a way unimaginable to you or anyone. His parents will one day join him, know peace and harmony together in my kingdom and my holy flock continue to grow.

- You created that boy, and his heart for what? Why die in a few months?
The Lord replied: - Because it is time to return to his flock. His task on earth and complied. A few years ago, I sent a sheep with gifts my doctor to assist his brothers, but with so much science forgot his Creator. So I sent my other sheep, sick children, not to lose but to come back to me that long ago lost sheep.
The surgeon wept and wept inconsolably. Days later, after undergoing surgery, the doctor sat down next to the child's bed, while her parents faced the doctor. The child awoke and muttered quickly asked
- opened MYHEART? - Yes, "said elcirujano-.- What did you find? - Asked the boy .- You were right, there I found Jesus.
The surgeon wept and wept inconsolably. Days later, after undergoing surgery, the doctor sat down next to the child's bed, while her parents faced the doctor. The child awoke and muttered quickly asked
- opened MYHEART? - Yes, "said elcirujano-.- What did you find? - Asked the boy .- You were right, there I found Jesus.

Author: unknown