activity is coming which marks the beginning of the year for evangelicals in the Dominican Republic. Please pray and helps distribute this information to your contacts. There
we God willing!

my dealer sporadic vein I got into the typical offer-counteroffer discussion so common among buyers and vendors of my beloved Quisqueya, managed to get those three books to the merchant for the sum of $ 200 pesos (little something more than $ 5).
I started reading two of those three books simultaneously and each page that has happened I am convinced I made the purchase of the year. Currently I'm so excited about the book: "I found God in Russia" that I decided to get out of bed to share with you a brief portion where the author describes one of many episodes in which he saw God doing while a prisoner, together his father, the Russian army after the conclusion of the Second World War (1945).
Here is the excerpt I want to share but first to suggest that they pass near a used book stall, give a peek because you never know when you will find a jewel disguised old book.
In communion! ______________________________
my father's health was very bad for the years of imprisonment he had endured before going to stop there. The Waldheim food was very bad and he suffered greatly. One night he collapsed on his bed feeling that it would rise further. Would be seven in the evening, and a man of his age (nearly sixty years) could not spend more hungry. The evening meal was served at five o'clock. Means that he had many hours left before breakfast the next morning. Could not sleep, and remained lying in bed waiting for death. Then he prayed to the Lord asking him to send so much as a slice of bread, or to let him sleep through the night to relieve their suffering, and gain strength to get up tomorrow.
After this prayer, peace descended on his soul. At about eight o'clock at night, when I was still awake in his bed waiting for sleep to come down and staring at the ceiling of his cell door opened slowly and silently. With amazement he saw a hand and lean left on the ground three slices of bread. Then the hand was quickly withdrawn and the door closed with the same silence. My father was
stunned. Several minutes passed before he could get up and take the bread. Was equivalent to the portion of a day. He thanked God with trembling lips, and ate it slowly.
The bread that was brought in so singular renewed their strength and saved his life. The hand that opened the door, as does my father, was a human hand. Undoubtedly belonged to one of those rude and brutal communist guards, fanatical followers of the party.
What was the power that led to a communist to have compassion for a dying enemy prisoner, when there were thousands of them, all in the same or similar conditions? What was or who made the jailer take three slices of bread in the kitchen and take them secretly to my father, which could cost you the job and even freedom? This man ran a tremendous risk that night. My father could never know who it was.
certainly something inside spoke to the conscience of the Russian keeper. What other voice but that of God could speak to him?
From the book: I found God in Russia (pp. 56-58)
Author: John Noble
But when heads of priests and teachers of law saw he did wonderful things, and that children shouting in the temple, "Hosanna to the Son of David!" were outraged.
- Do you hear what those are saying? -Protested.
"Sure," said Jesus, "have never read:" "In the mouths of small and infants have put the perfect praise" ? (Matthew 21:15-16 NIV)
That intrigue led me this Bible verse. Is it necessary to learn to praise God as do the children? But how? ..................... I'll start to notice.